Monday, July 21, 2014

Caesar Bread

So Andi just made a beautiful bruschetta. Let's not even get into the fact that she GREW most the ingredients herself. 

So I get to make the bread. It has come to this, I am the family member who cannot be trusted to bring anything more than the bread. Well if you are the bread person in your family, I have good news for you! Cesar bread, great every time. Don't forget about this one on pasta night. 

Cesar Bread

One loaf French bread sliced 
Cesar dressing 
Olive oil 
Parmesan cheese 

Set the oven to broil

I know you are thinking. Jes, that is not very specific... No it is not but hey I trust that you cannot mess this up. We believe in you!

Place the bread on a pan, brush the top side with olive oil 

Now is the tricky part. Broil it. Now do not freak out just keep the oven cracked open so you can see the bread and keep an eye on it. From personal experience the worst thing you can do at this point is walk away...or think you have enough time to wash just a few dishes.

Once that side is golden brown, flip them over. 

Brush them with Cesar dressing

Sprinkle them with Parmesan cheese 

Back under the broiler. Now I know the dog is begging you to be let outside but leaving the oven! This is only going to take a minuet.

Once they are golden brown take them out, and impress them all!
p.s. you can do the dishes and let the dog out now!


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